C ++ If ... else (s primeri)

V tej vadnici bomo spoznali izjavo if … else za ustvarjanje programov odločanja s pomočjo primerov.

Pri računalniškem programiranju uporabljamo ifstavek za zagon blok kode le, če je izpolnjen določen pogoj.

Na primer dodelitev ocen (A, B, C) na podlagi ocen, ki jih je pridobil študent.

  • če je odstotek nad 90 , določite oceno A
  • če je odstotek nad 75 , določite oceno B
  • če je odstotek nad 65 , določite oceno C

V if… elsejeziku C ++ obstajajo tri oblike izjav.

  1. if izjavo
  2. if… else izjavo
  3. if… else if… else izjavo

Izjava C ++ if

Sintaksa ifstavka je:

 if (condition) ( // body of if statement )

ifIzjavo ocenjuje conditionmed oklepaji ( ).

  • Če conditionoceni na true, se izvede koda znotraj telesa if.
  • Če conditionoceni na false, se koda znotraj telesa ifpreskoči.

Opomba: Koda znotraj ( )je telo ifstavka.

Delovanje izjave C ++ if

Primer 1: Izjava C ++ if

 // Program to print positive number entered by the user // If the user enters a negative number, it is skipped #include using namespace std; int main() ( int number; cout <> number; // checks if the number is positive if (number> 0) ( cout << "You entered a positive integer: " << number << endl; ) cout << "This statement is always executed."; return 0; )

Izhod 1

 Vnesite celo število: 5 Vnesli ste pozitivno število: 5 Ta stavek se vedno izvrši.

Ko uporabnik vstopi 5, se stanje number> 0ovrednoti truein ifizvrši stavek znotraj telesa .

Rezultat 2

 Vnesite številko: -5 Ta stavek se vedno izvrši.

Ko uporabnik vstopi -5, se stanje number> 0ovrednoti falsein stavek znotraj telesa ifne izvede.

C ++, če … drugače

ifIzjava lahko izbirno elseklavzulo. Njegova sintaksa je:

 if (condition) ( // block of code if condition is true ) else ( // block of code if condition is false )

if… elseIzjavo ocenjuje conditionznotraj oklepaju.

Delovanje C ++, če … drugače

Če conditionoceni true,

  • ifse izvrši koda znotraj telesa
  • koda znotraj telesa elseje preskočena iz izvedbe

Če conditionoceni false,

  • elsese izvrši koda znotraj telesa
  • koda znotraj telesa ifje preskočena iz izvedbe

Primer 2: Izjava C ++, če … drugače

 // Program to check whether an integer is positive or negative // This program considers 0 as a positive number #include using namespace std; int main() ( int number; cout <> number; if (number>= 0) ( cout << "You entered a positive integer: " << number << endl; ) else ( cout << "You entered a negative integer: " << number << endl; ) cout << "This line is always printed."; return 0; )

Izhod 1

 Vnesite celo število: 4 Vnesli ste pozitivno celo število: 4. Ta vrstica je vedno natisnjena.

V zgornjem programu imamo pogoj number>= 0. Če vnesemo število, večje ali enako 0, potem pogoj izračuna true.

Tu vpišemo 4. Torej, pogoj je true. Zato se stavek znotraj telesa ifizvrši.

Rezultat 2

Vnesite celo število: -4 Vnesli ste negativno celo število: -4. Ta vrstica je vedno natisnjena.

Tu vnesemo -4. Torej, pogoj je false. Zato se stavek znotraj telesa elseizvrši.

C ++ če … drugače … drugače če stavek

if… elseIzjava se uporablja za izvršitev blok kode med dvema možnostma. Če pa se moramo odločiti med več kot dvema alternativama, uporabimo if… else if… elseizjavo.

Sintaksa if… else if… elsestavka je:

 if (condition1) ( // code block 1 ) else if (condition2)( // code block 2 ) else ( // code block 3 )


  • Če condition1oceni na true, code block 1se izvede.
  • Če condition1oceni na false, potem condition2se oceni.
  • Če condition2je true, code block 2se izvede.
  • Če condition2je false, code block 3se izvede.
Kako, če … drugače, če … drugače Izjava deluje

Opomba: Izjav je lahko več, lahko else ifpa le en ifin elseizjav.

Primer 3: C ++ če … drugače … drugače če

 // Program to check whether an integer is positive, negative or zero #include using namespace std; int main() ( int number; cout <> number; if (number> 0) ( cout << "You entered a positive integer: " << number << endl; ) else if (number < 0) ( cout << "You entered a negative integer: " << number << endl; ) else ( cout << "You entered 0." << endl; ) cout << "This line is always printed."; return 0; )

Izhod 1

 Vnesite celo število: 1 Vnesli ste pozitivno celo število: 1. Ta vrstica je vedno natisnjena.

Rezultat 2

 Enter an integer: -2 You entered a negative integer: -2. This line is always printed.

Output 3

 Enter an integer: 0 You entered 0. This line is always printed.

In this program, we take a number from the user. We then use the if… else if… else ladder to check whether the number is positive, negative, or zero.

If the number is greater than 0, the code inside the if block is executed. If the number is less than 0, the code inside the else if block is executed. Otherwise, the code inside the else block is executed.

C++ Nested if… else

Sometimes, we need to use an if statement inside another if statement. This is known as nested if statement.

Think of it as multiple layers of if statements. There is a first, outer if statement, and inside it is another, inner if statement. Its syntax is:

 // outer if statement if (condition1) ( // statements // inner if statement if (condition2) ( // statements ) )


  • We can add else and else if statements to the inner if statement as required.
  • The inner if statement can also be inserted inside the outer else or else if statements (if they exist).
  • We can nest multiple layers of if statements.

Example 4: C++ Nested if

 // C++ program to find if an integer is even or odd or neither (0) // using nested if statements #include using namespace std; int main() ( int num; cout <> num; // outer if condition if (num != 0) ( // inner if condition if ((num % 2) == 0) ( cout << "The number is even." << endl; ) // inner else condition else ( cout << "The number is odd." << endl; ) ) // outer else condition else ( cout << "The number is 0 and it is neither even nor odd." << endl; ) cout << "This line is always printed." << endl; )

Output 1

 Enter an integer: 34 The number is even. This line is always printed.

Output 2

 Enter an integer: 35 The number is odd. This line is always printed.

Output 3

 Enter an integer: 0 The number is 0 and it is neither even nor odd. This line is always printed.

In the above example,

  • We take an integer as an input from the user and store it in the variable num.
  • We then use an if… else statement to check whether num is not equal to 0.
    • If true, then the inner if… else statement is executed.
    • If false, the code inside the outer else condition is executed, which prints "The number is 0 and neither even nor odd."
  • The inner if… else statement checks whether the input number is divisible by 2.
    • If true, then we print a statement saying that the number is even.
    • If false, we print that the number is odd.

Notice that 0 is also divisible by 2, but it is actually not an even number. This is why we first make sure that the input number is not 0 in the outer if condition.

Note: As you can see, nested if… else makes your logic complicated. If possible, you should always try to avoid nested if… else.

Body of if… else With Only One Statement

If the body of if… else has only one statement, you can omit ( ) in the program. For example, you can replace

 int number = 5; if (number> 0) ( cout << "The number is positive." << endl; ) else ( cout << "The number is negative." << endl; )


 int number = 5; if (number> 0) cout << "The number is positive." << endl; else cout << "The number is negative." << endl;

The output of both programs will be the same.

Note: Although it's not necessary to use ( ) if the body of if… else has only one statement, using ( ) makes your code more readable.

More on Decision Making

V nekaterih primerih lahko ternarni operater nadomesti if… elsestavek. Če želite izvedeti več, obiščite C ++ Ternary Operator.

Če se moramo odločiti med več kot enimi alternativami glede na dani preskusni pogoj, switchlahko uporabimo izjavo. Če želite izvedeti več, obiščite stikalo C ++.

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