VLOOKUP iz orisnih podatkov - Excel Nasveti

Nekdo, ki je opravil preizkus certifikata Excel, je zamudil vprašanje. Vprašanje so skušali preveč razmisliti. Ne zahteva nore formule matrike. Preprosta IFNA jo bo rešila. Čeprav v Excelu obstaja veliko načinov, kako vse rešiti, so včasih najpreprostejši načini prezrti.

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Samodejno ustvarjen prepis

  • dobrodošli nazaj, čas je za drugo
  • dvoboj excel podcast Sem Bill Jelen
  • od se mi bo pridružil Mike
  • Gerber iz Excela je ta, ki je naš
  • epizoda 189 - iskanje po orisnih podatkih
  • hej, urejam dele tega vprašanja
  • ampak to je super vprašanje
  • na žalost so moji prijatelji vzeli to
  • ne morem ponovno opraviti izpita in sem ga še imel
  • težava s tem vprašanjem, ki ga imamo
  • ustvaril preglednico, ki zrcali
  • vprašanje, da smo popolnoma nerazumljivi glede tega
  • Formula odgovor mora biti ime
  • država ni najbolj resnična ali lažna
  • iskreno in da sem jim rediral ime
  • toda pet jih poskuša
  • da bi to dobro ugotovili, torej tukaj je
  • vprašanje kako ustvariti stolpec 1 kako
  • ustvari vlookup, ko je stolpec a
  • prazna polja, s katerimi želim izpolniti stolpec B
  • državo in tukaj je naša iskalna tabela
  • od kode do države tako
  • na primer a2 bo Afganistan in
  • to se bo ponovilo vse do 10
  • in potem bomo prišli do nove ene sekire
  • otok OL Anandi 11 do 18 primer
  • pričakovani rezultati so tukaj v redu
  • oh hej, čutim tvojo bolečino, ampak ti si
  • preveč razmišljati o vsem, kar se dogaja
  • to vam ne more povedati imena izpita
  • ne bo tako težko kot ti
  • to delajo tako, da mora biti
  • super preprosto enako vlookup pojdi, če si
  • poiščite F v tej iskalni tabeli
  • tukaj F 4 vejica 2 vejica tako neresnično
  • popolna pravica in to deluje za to
  • vrstici in za vrstico 11, vendar se ne bo
  • delaj za ostale vrstice v redu tako pravično
  • v resnično preprosti angleščini, hej, Excel
  • če dobite n / a, preprosto zgrabite prejšnjega
  • vrednost iz tega stolpca
  • najdeno nad menoj, prinesi to dol,
  • vrnemo se enaki, če ni to
  • kaj preizkušajo, če je na popolnoma nov
  • v Excelu 2013
  • fantje, ki so napisali test, to želijo
  • poskrbite, da boste vedeli, če na znam
  • konec tega, če dobimo n / a kot
  • hočem samo vrednost zgoraj
  • meni v tem primeru ta celica b1 všeč
  • tega in tega ne bomo kopirali vsem
  • naših vrstic in prilepite, tako da
  • prvi vlookup deluje drugi
  • ena vlookup ne deluje, če na
  • zgrabite Afganistan od mene in ga
  • gre do konca in zagrabi vrednost
  • od tik nad menoj, dokler ga ne dobi
  • ki deluje in nato preklopi in
  • stikala in stikala in stikala
  • tukaj ni bilo nič težkega, kar ste poskušali
  • naredite ta test pretežkim, da ga ne morem
  • povem, da ime testa ni nikoli
  • bo tako težko
  • poiščite enostavno rešitev Mike
  • poglej, kaj imaš
  • hvala ja res če a in
  • vlookup so pot do Excel 2013 ali
  • kasneje mislim, da je to tisto, kar je izpit
  • ljudje iščejo zdaj grem
  • na naslednji list in naredite nekaj
  • popolnoma smešna ta formula verjetno
  • niti ne bo mogel razumeti
  • ljudje, ki zdaj ocenijo vaš izpit, kaj
  • V tem stolpcu bi rad med kopiranjem
  • formula navzdol je uporaba običajnega
  • vlookup, ampak želim interno znotraj
  • formula Želim, da formula vedno dobi
  • zadnji element besedila, ko kopiram formulo
  • ko pridem do te celice in tega
  • celica v tej celici je zadnje besedilo
  • vrednost, ampak ko pridem sem, mora
  • imajo to kot videz tega in potem
  • boom boom boom iskalna vrednost še vedno
  • se mora ozreti nazaj na to sekiro in
  • način, kako bom to naredil, je, da uporabim
  • prvotna funkcija iskanja je to
  • originalna funkcija, ki sta jo Bricklin in
  • Frank stoji v prvi različici
  • od visie calc pred vlookupom in H
  • lookup and the lookup function only does
  • approximate match lookup it doesn't do
  • exact or approximate like vlookup the
  • advantage to approximate match lookup is
  • in the lookup value if you put a value
  • that's bigger than anything in the
  • actual array or result vector it'll
  • always get the last one so watch this
  • for the lookup value I'm going to end
  • double quotes and so I'm looking up text
  • I'm zze now I'm using zze because I know
  • none of the ISO
  • country codes will ever start with Z Z Z
  • so this is going to be bigger than
  • anything ever entered into this column
  • now comma and I'm using the array
  • version I'm gonna click on cell a2 colon
  • close parentheses click on the first a
  • to hit the f4 key to lock it just the
  • first cell reference now as I copy this
  • down that blue range will expand since
  • all of these cells are empty Z Z Z will
  • always return a F because that's the
  • last text item in the column control
  • enter notice that's a lookup value as I
  • copy down now inside of our formula we
  • actually have the correct lookup value
  • all the way down if we come down to some
  • cell and hit f2 you can see there's the
  • expandable range and sure enough lookup
  • is getting the last text item entered
  • now I'm going to come to the top f2 that
  • whole thing is the lookup value that I'm
  • going to use inside a vlookup now I come
  • to the end comma table array I come over
  • to a lookup table highlight the table
  • I've up here in the formula bar and hit
  • f4 comma 2 because the second column has
  • the thing I need to get come 0 that
  • means exact match close parentheses
  • control enter and I'm gonna copy it all
  • the way down and look at that now f2
  • that's much too complicated that's a
  • crazy formula when all you need is if
  • and a and vlookup however there is a
  • situation I'm gonna go over to XLS one
  • two here there is a situation where this
  • will get you into trouble and if I copy
  • this down notice it's all Afghanistan
  • and look at that what is going on there
  • well we actually if we put this in edit
  • mode there's an extra space there so
  • there's some situations where we
  • actually want to see the n/a air so if
  • that was possibly the case then we'd
  • need to use a slightly different f2
  • logical test now I'm going to click on
  • value and copy that because that's the
  • vlookup we're still gonna use that ctrl
  • C escape and I'm going to use a
  • different logical test this is how we
  • had to do it before Excel 2013 is blank
  • now is blank only will deliver a true
  • when it sees a cell is totally empty
  • close parentheses if it is blank like it
  • is down here comma then what do I want
  • to look one cell above comma otherwise
  • control V do the vlookup close
  • parentheses control enter
  • double click and send it down so in that
  • case we are prompted we know that
  • there's a problem here now I can come
  • here backspace enter and now everything
  • works and I'm gonna copy it down control
  • home that formula is a little bit longer
  • than just if an a we had to use three
  • functions but in some circumstances you
  • might want to take the extra time to
  • create this longer formula then if n/a
  • and vlookup I'm sure on the test that
  • either one of those will work but this
  • is the one you probably don't wanna use
  • all right I'm gonna throw it back to mr.
  • Excel well I ate Mike those were a
  • couple of cool formulas but again I
  • think the test was looking for the easy
  • way the if na and like you said if you
  • dejansko postavili tisto formulo, ki je ne bi
  • imeti namig, da bi to dejansko
  • delo, zahvaljujem se vsem, ki so se ustavili
  • za ustavljanje preživetje se vidimo naslednjič
  • za nov dvoboj excel podcast iz
  • MrExcel excel je zabaven

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Prenesite vzorčno datoteko tukaj: Duel189.xlsx

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