Pretvori noge in palce v decimalne stopalke - Excel Nasveti


Posodobitev marec 2017: Dan Ashby ima na voljo izboljšano funkcijo stopal in palcev v odličnosti.

Imam Excelovo preglednico s stolpcem dolžin v obliki 12 '6 7/8 ". Kako lahko z Excelom pretvorim to v decimalne čevlje? Stolpec ne želim deliti na dva dela. ali lahko pretvorim nazaj v noge in palce v Excelu ?.

Spodaj prikazana funkcija po meri () zavzame besedilno polje v obliki, ki jo opisujete, in jo pretvori v decimalne noge.

Funkcija po meri LenText bo pretvorila decimalno število čevljev v besedilno polje, ki prikazuje noge, palce in delne centimetre na najbližjo 1/32 ".

Če želite vnesti funkcijo po meri,

  • Zaženite urejevalnik VB z alt-F11.
  • Vstavi> Modul.
  • Vstavi> Postopek.
  • Kot ime postopka vnesite noge in označite, da gre za funkcijo.
  • Nato kopirajte naslednjo kodo:
Public Function feet(LenString As String) Dim FootSign As Integer Dim InchSign As Integer Dim SpaceSign As Integer Dim FracSign As Integer Dim InchString As String Dim Word2 As String ' Copyright 1999, LenString = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(LenString) 'The find function returns an error when the target is not found 'Resume Next will prevent VBA from halting execution. On Error Resume Next FootSign = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("'", LenString) If IsEmpty(FootSign) Or FootSign = 0 Then ' There are no feet in this expression feet = 0 FootSign = 0 Else feet = Val(Left(LenString, FootSign - 1)) End If ' Handle the case where the foot sign is the last character If Len(LenString) = FootSign Then Exit Function ' Isolate the inch portion of the string InchString = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Mid(LenString, FootSign + 1)) ' Strip off the inch sign, if there is one InchSign = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("""", InchString) If Not IsEmpty(InchSign) Or InchSign = 0 Then InchString = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Left(InchString, InchSign - 1)) End If ' Do we have two words left, or one? SpaceSign = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(" ", InchString) If IsEmpty(SpaceSign) Or SpaceSign = 0 Then ' There is only one word here. Is it inches or a fraction? FracSign = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/", InchString) If IsEmpty(FracSign) Or FracSign = 0 Then 'This word is inches feet = feet + Val(InchString) / 12 Else ' This word is fractional inches feet = feet + (Val(Left(InchString, FracSign - 1)) / Val(Mid(InchString, FracSign + 1))) / 12 End If Else ' There are two words here. First word is inches feet = feet + Val(Left(InchString, SpaceSign - 1)) / 12 ' Second word is fractional inches Word2 = Mid(InchString, SpaceSign + 1) FracSign = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find("/", Word2) If IsEmpty(FracSign) Or FracSign = 0 Then ' Return an error feet = "VALUE!" Else If FracSign = 0 Then feet = "VALUE!" Else feet = feet + (Val(Left(Word2, FracSign - 1)) / Val(Mid(Word2, FracSign + 1))) / 12 End If End If End If End Function

Ponovite za funkcijo LenText. Uporabite to kodo:

Public Function LenText(FeetIn As Double) ' This function will change a decimal number of feet to the text string ' representation of feet, inches, and fractional inches. ' It will round the fractional inches to the nearest 1/x where x is the denominator. ' Copyright Denominator = 32 ' must be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. NbrFeet = Fix(FeetIn) InchIn = (FeetIn - NbrFeet) * 12 NbrInches = Fix(InchIn) FracIn = (InchIn - NbrInches) * Denominator Numerator = Application.WorksheetFunction.Round(FracIn, 0) If Numerator = 0 Then FracText = "" ElseIf InchIn>= (11 + (31.4999999 / 32)) Then NbrFeet = NbrFeet + 1 NbrInches = 0 FracText = "" ElseIf Numerator = Denominator Then NbrInches = NbrInches + 1 FracText = "" Else Do ' If the numerator is even, divide both numerator and divisor by 2 If Numerator = Application.WorksheetFunction.Even(Numerator) Then Numerator = Numerator / 2 Denominator = Denominator / 2 Else FracText = " " & Numerator & "/" & Denominator Exit Do End If Loop End If LenText = NbrFeet & "' " & NbrInches & FracText & """" End Function
Pretvori noge in palce v decimalne stopalke

Stolpec A prikazuje izvirno besedilo. Stolpec B pravilno pretvori v noge vse vrednosti, ki vsebujejo čevlje, palce in / ali delne centimetre.

Če ne vključite znaka stopala, se šteje, da je vrednost v palcih. (vrstica 12). Če delni del palcev ni veljaven, vrednost! se vrne (vrstica 13).

Posodobitev: Zahvaljujemo se Daleu Richmondu iz Kansas Cityja, ki je oktobra 2007 posredoval posodobitev za preprečitev odgovora na 1 čevelj 12 palcev, ko je funkcija večja od 1,999.

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